
    SHARE Enterprise Learning Management (ELM)

    SHARE ELM is hosted by the State Personnel Office (SPO) for the Executive branch of NM. We reached out to SPO and they let us know that NM Judicial Branch Employees had permission to attend the training offered on SHARE ELM

    What is it?

    A collection of Web-based learning training and Online Classroom training. The web-based training is self-guided training and the Classroom training is remotely led by trainers at SPO. When you enroll in an Online Classroom style training, you will receive an invite to attend through Zoom for the date you are enrolled.

    How do I access the training platform?

    The ELM homepage is located at: https://elm.share.state.nm.us

    ELM is part of the SHARE system and uses the same log-in information as SHARE HCM, but you enter your log-in on ELM homepage rather than the HCM page.

    What training topics are covered?*

    SHARE payable processing 101SHARE reporting 101
    SHARE purchasing 101SHARE manage general ledger transactions 101
    SHARE project costing videoIntro to SHARE financials
    SHARE contracts and billing integrationSHARE accounts receivable
    SHARE HCMSHARE commitment control
    SHARE end-to-end procure-to-pay processingSHARE asset management
    SHARE into grantsSHARE intro to employee self-service
    Leading a workplace culture of civilityWorkplace investigations
    Handling conflicts and difficult conversationsInterpersonal Leadership Skills
    Strategies for Positive ManagementCollaborative Leadership
    What is your communication style Building cultural equity with native nations

    * There are other trainings available than those listed above; however, these topics are most pertinent to Judicial Branch Employees.

    Is there a cost?

    No, the trainings offered on SHARE ELM are free and we confirmed that NMJB employees may use these services free of charge.

    How do I get started?

    All employees that are entered in SHARE already have access to this system. Follow the link above and enter your usual SHARE login credentials. Please review the attached how-to documents to sign up for and attend training.